
Monday, January 7, 2008

Tweaked Mac and Cheese a.k.a. Adult Mac

box of macaroni and cheese (I'm partial to Kraft)
milk and butter as recommended on box
Velveeta cheese

Now since I've been married to Jerome he's started to give me a few hints about Southern cooking. He knows of my love of macaroni and cheese... what can I say... I have the pallet of a kid! So.... he gave me the heads up on this one.

Make the mac and cheese as directed on the box. While the noodles are boiling I cut the Velveeta in to small chunks.

When the noodles are soft drain them in a strainer. Leave them in the strainer while you add the butter to the warm pot to melt. Then adding the noodles back into the pot, then the powdered cheese and milk. Stir until mixed.

Keep the heat on under the pot. Add the chunks of Velveeta cheese to the pot. Stir until the chunks are gone - usually only about a minuet.

Now if you want to make this even more adult you start adding more items by folding it into the cheesey mac and cheese and this could become your main dish for dinner.
Some other items you could add:
green/red peppers

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