1 bottle of Vodka
1 package of Fruit Punch Kool-aid (the premixed kind)
2 liters of Sprite
2 liters of Raspberry Ginger Ale
100 slices of mixed fruit
6 cans of beer optional

Mix rum, vodka, kool-aid, sprite, ginger ale in a large container (I bought a tote from Target after Halloween). Add pieces of fruit and let soak overnight with the cover on.
Add beer if you want to just before serving as this increases the alcohol content but if added earlier will be "stale" and taste nasty.
Scoop or pour Whopatooli into a punch bowl and add some fruit and ice cubes.
Watch out as the fruit has soaked up a ton of the alcohol... don't give these to the kiddies! I made this for a party that we threw for our birthdays. It was a hit!